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Recruiterbox is now Hire, part of the new Trakstar Trifecta alongside Learn and Perform

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The Perfect Job Title

Organizations from big to small have their own way of doing things. Smaller companies might call a receptionist a “Front Desk Warrior” while a larger company’s job ad might say “Administrative Clerk”. There are dozens of titles for the same position. As recruiters and hiring managers get more creative with their titles, their jobs ads…
03 September 2013

The Perfect Interview For Hiring An Employee

When you’re the boss and need to interview new employees it can be very intimidating, especially if you are hiring an employee for the first time. As a potential employer you are looking to attract quality candidates for your position and use detective work to discover who meets your needs the best. In addition to…
23 April 2012

The One Thing I Do To Increase My Productivity

I’ve been doing this trick for the past 3 months and I’ve noticed a huge increase in my productivity . It’s simple: I stand while I work Like many of us, I have long days with a lot to do. Standing has increased my productivity 237%! Ok, I made that number up, but it sure…
17 May 2012

The Mighty 200

By the time the 200 companies mentioned below read this blog post, I am sure they will click on me and say hello. Let me introduce myself – I am Trakstar Hire. I help startups and small companies manage their hiring process better. I shake with worry when I see these dynamic teams receive resumes…
20 May 2011

The Key to Hiring Success – By EventInterface’s CEO

Al Wynant is the CEO of EventInterface , a cloud-based software solution for meeting and event managers. Here is Al’s experience with hiring success: In the beginning, we were frustrated by the level of applicants, the large number of unqualified individuals applying and a perceived lack of knowledge by the applicants. Our job descriptions seemed…
12 March 2012

The Job Advertisement Reconstructed: Infographic Style

When you’re writing a job description, it can really feel like you’re throwing your ad into a sea of jobs and hoping for the best. No matter how good your job is, how cool your benefits are, or what the compensation is, job ads and boards don’t feel like they’re getting the job done as…
21 April 2015

The Interview Process -It Could Be Worse!

The interview process can be rough, nerve-racking and even scary. As sweat starts to make that freshly pressed button down stick to your back, you start to second-guess yourself, and you can never be too sure what you’re walking into. For most of us, this is the nature of the interview, and there are some…
01 October 2013

The Hiring Process: Steps and Statistics

When a job becomes available in your business it is important to find the most qualified candidate to fill the position. To do so, you and your hiring team will need to go through an extensive process that will help you gauge the prospect pool and make the right hire. Start by evaluating the position…
18 June 2014

The Experts On How To Hire RIGHT!

Hiring can be a daunting task. You are responsible for finding the right person for the right job. Whether they’re knocking down your door for an interview, or it’s like pulling teeth to get them in, the whole process can be made easier if you follow some simple guidelines. Hiring can be overwhelming, but if…
05 March 2013

The Current State of Writing Job Descriptions

There are so many templates and blog posts about how to write the perfect job description to attract the right candidates who will flow with the company culture and solve current company challenges. It would be great if we could simply follow a template to produce these informative, yet ethereal, descriptions that aptly capture the…
18 September 2014