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The Key to Hiring Success – By EventInterface’s CEO

In Hiring Strategy — by Trakstar

Al Wynant is the CEO of EventInterface , a cloud-based software solution for meeting and event managers. Here is Al’s experience with hiring success:

In the beginning, we were frustrated by the level of applicants, the large number of unqualified individuals applying and a perceived lack of knowledge by the applicants.

Our job descriptions seemed sound so we were puzzled. We did however decide to develop a different approach which has been highly successful.

Tip #1

We don’t hire for a job description anymore but for the success indicators of a job. Rather than putting out a job description that tells people what the job may look like and what we need them to do, we have learned to craft our descriptions based on what an employee evaluation may look like.

The applicant knows exactly what they are getting into, and how we expect them to perform. We ask that they address these indicators in their cover letters (if they don’t we won’t even consider the application, and we tell them that).

We may receive fewer applications, but a much higher percentage of applicants are suited for the job. They know exactly what they are getting into, how they must perform to be successful in the job. The whole interview process is structured around these indicators. It’s been a huge success.

Tip #2

Secondly, advertising has never brought the caliber of applicants we seek. We have found a much higher level of success by asking friends, supporters, clients and vendors to put the word out.

Trakstar Hire is considered the most user friendly hiring software on the market. If you’re ready to take your recruiting and hiring to the next level, request a Trakstar Hire demo today.