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Recruiterbox is now Hire, part of the new Trakstar Trifecta alongside Learn and Perform

Learn more about how the Trakstar platform is revolutionizing talent management through integrated, flexible solutions.



Tips for Cutting Small Business Long Distance Travel Expenses

A big company approaches you and shows interest in your small business’ services and compliments you on previous work, your heart starts to beat a little faster and you’re picturing yourself in the driver’s seat of a Bentley heading back home to your mansion, to join your gorgeous other half in the hot tub… Wow,…
30 April 2012

Tips for Building and Maintaining a User-Friendly Website

For many small business owners, building a website is necessary, but they don’t know where to start. Procrastination kicks in and before you know it, two years have gone by, and you are still emailing your clients as While this might be fine early on, a website establishes credibility for your business. Instead of…
18 July 2012

Three Tips to Hire a Programmer

By Raghuveer Kancherla | Trakstar Hire – Recruitment Software I am a programmer, but I have often found it difficult to identify other good programmers. Based on my experience over the last few months, and some deliberation with my team on hiring for Trakstar Hire , here are three things that worked really well for…
16 January 2012

Think Talent Pipelining in 3...2...1

Building a talent pipeline sounds like this really difficult, intense task and for that reason, many who are first in HR might think of it as an “advanced” activity. Nothing could be further from the truth. The very things that make talent pipelines successful are things that you can put in place from your very…
30 April 2013

The Top 7 Incentives and Perks Candidates Crave

Who knows job seekers better than GlassDoor ? Their research provides regular resources for recruiters looking for insights into the job seeker’s mind. They conducted a 2013 study and revealed the top 7 incentives and perks that candidates are looking for in their next position. Maintaining a competitive edge in talent attraction and retention means…
21 April 2014

The Talent Analytics Super Bowl

Talk of talent analytics has taken over the recruiting blogosphere. This exciting new workforce science has quickly created a party of true believers, and along with it, a party of naysayers. It all comes down to what people truly believe to be performance factors and how that information can be used for hiring for the…
04 February 2014

The Small and the Nimble

The economic landscape is changing by the resurgence of the small firm. Be it a bakery, a niche restaurant serving exotic cuisine, a small mobile phone app maker or a startup offering web-development services – the ‘small business’ is growing in importance. Who or what is making this possible? Walk into a gym and put…
19 June 2012

The Secret Behind Warby Parker’s 500% Growth

“Buy a pair, Give a pair” is the ‘do good’ motto behind Warby Parker, a New York city based fashionable eyeglasses company. Launched in 2010, the company already has over 60 employees and has recently shown a 500 percentage leap on its growth charts. Eric Markowitz from shares more insights on the stupendous growth…
08 March 2012

The Science Behind Job Descriptions [Infographic]

How is a recruiter supposed to know what specific requirements a job description should have for a biomechanical engineer? The position might have detailed requirements laid out on a sheet of paper, but they don’t work with the position. It’s hard to strike a balance between culture and structure. Sometimes the description could be too…
21 October 2014

The Right Kind of Growth -How to Scale

“Hundreds of fast growing companies use the Trakstar Hire Applicant Tracking System.” That’s what it says on our homepage. It’s not bragging, that is simply what we do; we help companies grow. We have been with users through just about every stage of business growth, and we’ve seen companies scale wisely…and not so wisely. Lou…
18 February 2014