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Recruiterbox is now Hire, part of the new Trakstar Trifecta alongside Learn and Perform

Learn more about how the Trakstar platform is revolutionizing talent management through integrated, flexible solutions.



Seth Godin on How to Create a Remarkable Product

Some people say that with a strong marketing strategy in place, you could sell almost anything. But throughout time, we have learned that you need a good product at the heart of every successful marketing strategy. Seth Godin, the entrepreneur, author and public speaker feels when you start a new business, you definitely need a…
02 March 2012

SEO for Dummies

Whether you are selling baby products online or a business software for small companies – chances are you want a larger number of relevant people visiting your website. We are all trying to work on that very challenge every day! While there are a number of things you can do within online marketing, having your…
23 February 2012

Review by John White, Founder of Best Essay Help

Best Essay Help is an awesome place to get Essay writing help. Their verdict on Trakstar Hire:- Trakstar Hire is a nicely designed application that can serve as a real helper for business owners and HR Managers. Though, in my humble opinion, every business should have its own recruiting software or application customized to specific…
21 July 2011

Relationship Building vs Lead Management

Social networking platforms and computers in general have made it easier to connect with others than ever before. No longer is a savvy business person confined to the customers or clients in his immediate geographical area. Now he can take his business global at minimal cost. Looking at my own social networking platforms, I count…
10 July 2012

Registered Nurses: Know Them, Find Them

Nursing is among the top 10 occupations with the largest job growth. That means employers and companies are looking for registered nurses. It’s one of the most created jobs on Indeed, and there are many, many schools now adding BS degrees in Nursing when previously there wasn’t a nursing program offered before. There is a…
18 October 2014

References: Waste of Time, or a Recruiter’s BFF?

Reference checking can be a frustrating and time consuming part of the job. Because of strict reference policies, checking up on references can turn into a minefield for those in HR. Most companies are only allowed to confirm title, dates of employment and eligibility of rehire. It is a balancing act to stay within the…
27 August 2013

Redbox Teams up with Verizon: What Can We Learn

Redbox teamed up with Verizon to get into online streaming, which will compete with Netflix. This is a super example of leveraging a strong channel to take your growth to the next level. BUT more importantly, its how they are going about it. The below INC article has the scoop on why Redbox might be…
15 February 2012

Recruitment Messaging: Targeting the Right Candidate Pool

It’s not enough to ask recruits “Do you want to work here?” Candidates need motivation to work with your organization. That motivation comes from the recruitment message. Your recruitment message attracts the right candidate pool the first time. Social media posts, employer branding and job advertisements all play a vital role in the brand messages…
23 December 2014

Recruiting Keynote Speakers To Motivate Employees

Reaching common ground when employers and respective employees are in a quarrel over issues at work, such as fair pay and perks, seems to never make headway unless proper enthusiasm exists on both sides. Of course, no one really takes the time to understand what a motivational keynote speaker can bring to uplift employee morale…
01 June 2012

Recruiting 101: The Secret Hiring Sauce

Recruiting is something that many folks simply happen in to. Expedia’s Jeremy Langhan did , I did and countless other recruiters will tell you a similar tale. While some of us are naturally gifted and others need a bit more polish the truth is, there are basics that everyone needs to learn. Nowhere is this…
26 February 2013