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The Hiring Process: Steps and Statistics

In Hiring Strategy — by Trakstar

When a job becomes available in your business it is important to find the most qualified candidate to fill the position. To do so, you and your hiring team will need to go through an extensive process that will help you gauge the prospect pool and make the right hire. Start by evaluating the position to be filled and create a detailed job description that lists minimum qualifications, essential duties and preferred education and experience levels.

Once this is complete, assemble your selection committee and build a recruitment plan that includes advertisements, social media outreach, employee referrals and more. As the resumes start to come in your committee will narrow down the field to those that you want to move forward to the interview stage. After final background checks are completed you’ll be able to extend an offer to the best candidate for the job.

A bad hiring decision can equal 30 percent of first year potential earnings lost by your business. Having a thorough and detailed hiring process will lead you to make the right decision when all is said and done so your company can continue to thrive.

Trakstar Hire is considered the most user friendly hiring software on the market. If you’re ready to take your recruiting and hiring to the next level, request a Trakstar Hire demo today.