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Recruiterbox is now Hire, part of the new Trakstar Trifecta alongside Learn and Perform

Learn more about how the Trakstar platform is revolutionizing talent management through integrated, flexible solutions.



Stages of Recruitment - Richer and Better than ever before!

In the previous post, I talked about how its useful to have stages of recruitment predefined for the positions you are hiring for. Now these recruitment stages have become richer and better than ever before. Trakstar Hire lets you have a user assigned to each of these stages! For example, John could be assigned to…
06 May 2011

Stages of Recruitment

Each opening in Trakstar Hire can have a predefined set of recruitment stages. This helps to create a loose structure you can follow for hiring people. As an example you can have the following stages in an opening Screening Telephonic screening Face to Face Interview Offered & Accepted Offered & Rejected On Hold Reject /…
06 May 2011

Social Media: Optimizing It For Your Business

While it has not totally replaced the traditional methods of marketing, social media has provided businesses a new avenue to see and be seen by customers. This shift has helped small businesses gain exposure due to their minimal cost and easy maintenance. Now even that small café at the corner of the street can even…
18 June 2012

Six Ways to Avoid Errors When Implementing HR Technology

Most businesses, regardless of their size, can’t function to their fullest without the assistance of technology. Technology influences most of day-to-day business activities, including human resources. Common HR challenges include recruitment of employees, dealing with huge volume of data and meeting tight deadlines. Technology ultimately makes HR’s responsibilities easier and more effective, but it comes…
04 June 2015

Should You Make That Counter-Offer?

One of your best employees (let’s call her Sharon) comes to you with a bomb to drop: she’s headed to another company in the field and is putting in her two weeks. She’s among the 51% of employees that were looking for work , and you’re in shock. You ask her why she’s leaving and…
17 April 2015

Should Small Businesses Offer Big Benefits?

Small companies are great because of their culture, ability to adapt to trends in the market, and their commitment to employees. One area where small business can often falter, however, is in benefits. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, small employers are far less likely to offer health benefits to their full-time employees, much…
11 June 2015

Should I Invest in Onboarding?

YES! A big, fat “yes” is the answer. Retention is such a powerful metric in business because of the ridiculously high cost of turnover. Retained employees represent a great return on the many investments that employers make on their workforce, and onboarding is a solid, yet often overlooked aspect of those investments. According to a…
12 May 2014

Setting up your HR? Learn From the Trendsetters

Human Resource Management (HRM) has travelled a great distance. From merely a personnel function to a strategic and influential department, HRM is now a critical component of any organization, not only aiding the latter in its seamless functioning, but even aligning and determining its broader course. Realizing this, corporates have revolutionized their HR practices. Complemented…
05 February 2015

Setting Up HR Practice in 2015 – Learnings from LinkedIn

For business leaders, 2014 proved to be the year of learnings and findings with respect to their respective industries and their growth. 2015 will be the year of implementation. Organizations will face an extremely dynamic business environment, developed by technological innovations, blurring boundaries among industries, shifts in customer behavior, availability of a big pool of…
13 January 2015

Setting Up a Future Ready HR Function

HR policies and HR management are a major contributor in the growth or failure of any organisation. The people who build up a company are among the few factors that set a company apart from its competitors. Image Source: WebAnywhere With the evolving technologies the culture at workplaces is changing too. With an increasing emphasis…
05 February 2015