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Recruiterbox is now Hire, part of the new Trakstar Trifecta alongside Learn and Perform

Learn more about how the Trakstar platform is revolutionizing talent management through integrated, flexible solutions.


Dave Anderson

Dave Anderson is a Content Strategist for Recruiterbox. He lives in Portland, Oregon and enjoys any activity that takes him outdoors.

5 Creative Ways to Assess Candidates in Job Interviews

It can be easy to just go through the motions when conducting a job interview. The candidate talks about their work history. The interviewer asks about strengths and weaknesses. And the interview ends and the hiring team makes a decision. It’s too often based on information that was already known about the candidate and not…
26 January 2017

Tips for Recruiting Tech Talent in Competitive Areas

There has never been a more exciting time to work in tech. Jobs that once seemed boring or best left to nerdy computer experts are now more sought after than ever before. Every day it seems like there is a new gadget on the market or app to download and many people want to participate…
19 January 2017

Does a Great Company Culture Really Attract Top Talent?

For the most part, the workplace of today is not your father’s office. Many companies have replaced cubicles with open space. Fluorescent lights have been retired in favor of natural light. And offices with stocked kitchens and ping pong tables aren’t rare anymore. Companies provide these perks as part of their organizational culture. People do…
05 January 2017

How to Get Your Company Leaders More Involved with Team Members

In some companies, team members feel isolated from leadership. Specialized employees on the bottom of the organizational chart often sit in a separate area of the office, attend different meetings and do completely different work than company leaders. There isn’t a lot of crossover that leads to a junior employee forming a bond with the…
16 December 2016

Should a College Degree Always Be a Requirement When Hiring?

I once worked with an amazing manager who didn’t have a college degree. She led marketing and business development for the small startup we worked for. She was also a web designer and developer and built the company website. After working with her for about a year and half, she told me her story over…
08 December 2016

Is it Possible to Reinvent Your Company Culture?

Culture might not bring on new customers or increase share value but it’s one of the most important assets a company can have. It’s crucial to create a comfortable environment for employees so they can do their best work. There are really two components to company culture. There are the defined values your company lives…
17 November 2016

6 Hiring Metrics Every Company Should Monitor

Business data is more readily available than ever before. It can be used to validate ideas, inform decisions and improve processes, including recruiting and hiring. Hiring for an open position can be long and costly so it’s important to always be looking for opportunities to improve efficiency. If your company uses a hiring funnel or…
10 November 2016

5 Steps for Creating an Inbound Recruiting Program

Traditional recruiting is reactive. The hiring company advertises their opening and hopes solid applicants apply. They might also blast emails off to qualified candidates they find on their own and hope someone is interested. Unfortunately, hoping for the best doesn’t pay off like it used to. Hiring has become very competitive and quality candidates have…
03 November 2016

How Much Longer Will Your Company Follow a Fixed Working Schedule?

There is a reason why the term “9-to-5” is synonymous with the typical office job. The eight hour stretch from morning to early evening has always been the standard schedule most people work. However, many modern companies are rethinking the longstanding rules of the workplace. Along with dress codes and cubicles, the idea that every…
20 October 2016

Emotional Intelligence: The Most Overlooked Candidate Skill

The workplace is an interesting environment. It’s a collection of different people who come together to work toward a common goal. In order to achieve success, everyone has to get along and support each other. But life is a roller coaster and humans are emotional creatures. It’s natural to feel happy, sad, excited, angry or…
06 October 2016