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5 Steps for Creating an Inbound Recruiting Program

In Hiring Strategy — by Dave Anderson


Traditional recruiting is reactive. The hiring company advertises their opening and hopes solid applicants apply. They might also blast emails off to qualified candidates they find on their own and hope someone is interested.

Unfortunately, hoping for the best doesn’t pay off like it used to. Hiring has become very competitive and quality candidates have plenty of options in where they apply. A talented person doesn’t need to peruse job boards and can selectively respond to the dozen or so recruiters they hear from each day.

An inbound recruiting program can help your company rise above the organizations that rely on the same old tactics. It’s the process of building relationships with candidates over a long time period so their interest in working for your company gradually grows.

Resource Co-Founder Troy Sultan helps growing companies effectively recruit and hire. He shared five steps for getting an inbound recruiting program up and running in your company.

  1. Start with a proactive sourcing strategy

If your company follows a traditional recruiting strategy, you’re likely sourcing candidates from all the typical places. Go one step further and create content that attracts candidates by showing what’s great about working for your company.

Start by devoting a section of your website to advertising job openings, benefits, culture and your people. Then create compelling blog posts, videos and other content that give job seekers a glimpse of what it’s like inside your workplace.

Share this content far and wide. Post it on social media, pitch it to media and even link to it from your postings on job boards. Even if someone isn’t ready to apply right away, they might remember an interesting fact about your company months later when they are.

  1. Reach out to candidates with personalized messages

Once you find a great candidate, you need to make an initial connection with them. Many recruiters copy and paste the job description into an email and send it off. But as we mentioned earlier, the most sought-after candidates hear from dozens of recruiters each day.

It should come as no surprise that including a personal touch in these communications helps your message stand out. Start by introducing yourself and your company. Then tell the recipient why you think they would be a great fit for the role. Reference impressive work they’ve done or a mutual connection in both your networks. Finally, include a little background on why you chose to join the company and what you enjoy about working there.

Most of the emails we receive are automated messages written for the masses. Even with a cluttered inbox, a personalized message will catch a candidate’s eye.

  1. Say hello to candidates at different times

Timing is one of the biggest challenges recruiters face. You might connect with an interested candidate but find out they’re not ready to make a career change at that moment. Perhaps they’re finishing up a big project in their current job or looking forward to an upcoming vacation.

In these cases, persistence pays off. Check in with the candidate down the road to find out if their circumstances have changed. Let them know you haven’t forgotten about them and you still believe they would be a great addition to your team.

These second, third and fourth messages can be the difference makers. The candidate will see you’re not just trying to fill an open role right away. You’re genuinely impressed with their background and want to bring them aboard.

  1.  Devote your resources to best performing candidate sources

Taking a smart approach to recruiting means devoting your time and effort to what works bests. You should measure how well different candidate sources and recruiting content performs so you can properly allocate resources.

Your marketing team likely uses Google Analytics or similar software for measuring website traffic. They can tell you how many people visit the careers section on your website and your other recruiting content and what action they take next. You can also use your recruiting software to understand what your best sourcing channels are.

Equipped with this data, you can learn what tactics work best so your inbound recruiting program is continuously improving.

  1. Use recruiting software to manage your inbound recruiting program

Your applicant tracking solution can not only help you understand your top candidate sources. You can use a solution like Trakstar Hire to manage your entire hiring process.

For example, you can use your ATS to send emails to candidates and keep track of the entire conversation. You’ll know when you last reached out to someone so you can determine when it makes sense to follow up.

Get ahead of the competition with an inbound recruiting program

Using the same recruiting tactics as every other company will only be so effective. It’s better to play the long game.

Attract candidates to your company with compelling content, talk to them like they’re an old friend and be persistent.

Resource helps growing companies automate the candidate sourcing process. Learn more at

Trakstar Hire is considered the most user friendly hiring software on the market. If you’re ready to take your recruiting and hiring to the next level, request a Trakstar Hire demo today.