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What’s Missing in Your YouTube Video?

In Hiring Software & Tools — by Trakstar

“I have submitted many videos on YouTube, but there are hardly any views on it!”

Do you often complain this way about the videos you have submitted on YouTube? Are you wondering if you wasted your time and money creating them as you do not see any results? If yes, this blog post is for you. By the time you read this, you will know what basics you have missed while submitting the videos on YouTube .

Video marketing is one of the most happening marketing techniques used by all business owners and marketers. However, many video marketing initiatives end as soon as the video is submitted on the most popular video search engine – YouTube. What many of them fail to realize is that there is much more to it than just submitting videos.

Pay attention to these basic elements on YouTube to see remarkable results:

Video Manager

Log in to your YouTube account and click on ‘Video Manager’ to see all your video uploads. Here, you get an overview of how the videos are performing with stats (comments, views, likes, etc). Check the status of videos and see if they are made ‘Public’ so that anyone can search and view. Now click on the ‘Edit’ button under any of your videos to reach ‘Video Information’ page that looks like this:

You will find various fields like Title, Description, Tags, Video Thumbnail, Privacy and other options. This is where you need to work now.


YouTube lets you use up to 99 characters in the title of your video. Make sure you include your targeted keyword in the title. Keep in mind that people who are looking for related videos should be able to find yours. Make the title attractive if you want to make your video go viral !


Add a detailed description with relevant keywords about your video in this section. Mention your website URL and other contact details here. If you have the script of the video, you can add that as well – this makes a big difference for SEO – Google ranks video transcripts higher than text blogs.


Use any keyword tool to find primary and secondary keywords for your video with higher search volume. Separate them using a ‘comma’ and add them under ‘Tags’. Then choose the category for your video. Adding tags is really important as this is what is going to bring your video up on search results.


Choose the best from the three thumbnails that YouTube offers. Carefully go through all the other options like comments, comment voting, location, license, video responses, etc.

Watch out for these small factors that add search value to your videos. Optimize these sections and see a significant rise in your video views.

Trakstar Hire is considered the most user friendly hiring software on the market. If you’re ready to take your recruiting and hiring to the next level, request a Trakstar Hire demo today.