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Using “The Other Three” in Social Recruiting

In Hiring Strategy — by Trakstar

Known as the “ Big Three ”: LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook have led the way in social recruiting. It makes sense, connections are simple to make, there are vast pools of data to be collected and these are where internet users are spending massive amounts of their time. While the Big Three are the place to be, there are new social media hubs popping up on the regular. “The Other Three”, Pinterest, Instagram and Vine look to be what’s up next in social recruiting, and here is how the leaders are doing it.

Taco Bell is Using Pinterest

As if we needed another reason to love Taco Bell, the “ Experience Taco Bell ” pinterest page gives us several more. They’re kind of killing it when it comes to using funny, thoughtful and compelling images to convey their company culture. They pretty much cover it all:

-They provide a mobile app to apply .

-They display the general job requirements in a fun infographic.

-Benefits like scholarship programs and language programs are also advertised.

-You can catch behind the scene videos and employee pics .

-They are also using the hashtags “#Career” and “#Jobs” within their pins.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you can take a pin from Taco Bell’s social recruitment efforts . This is definitely the page to go for inspiration in your own social recruiting.

Marriott is Using Instagram

Marriott has been leading the way in creating a stellar employer brand on Instagram with their dedicated “ Marriott Careers ” page. Their “Find Your World” motto only adds to their inspiring careers page, dedicated to their happy employees. Here’s what you will find:

-Pictures of smiling employees with a note about the company and how long they have been with Marriott.

Hashtags of the countries from which employee’s come from or work in.

-Inspirational quotes.

Media recognition of their employer branding efforts.

They have created a very branded and positive feel to their Instagram careers page. Their “ Where I Belong ” campaign is an effective way of attracting talent that wishes to get and stay engaged at work. Start using Instagram for Instattraction.

Aviary is Using Vine

This photo editor app creator, Aviary is using this six-second video app to attract, inform and direct candidates. They also do a great job at displaying a fun, inventive and lively company culture. You will catch several things in this ultra-quick job ad.

-Clips of real employees.

-What positions they are hiring for, and quick details.

-They direct candidates to their website.

-They have shared this Vine across all of their social channels for optimal reach.

Each of these sites has one very powerful thing in common –the strong use of visuals. When we consider that the average attention span online in 2012 was 8 seconds, we realize that we need every tool possible to make those few seconds count. Because visuals are processed 60,000x faster in the brain than text, they might be a fantastic place to start.

“The Other Three” are great social sites to leverage the power of visuals in your own social recruiting efforts. Please use these examples to inspire your team and workforce in creating and displaying their company culture. Creating a campaign like the ones we’ve seen here, takes little time and effort, but packs a powerful return in reach and attraction.

Need more recruiting insights? We’re jam packed with resources on all things recruiting . We would also love to hear from you on Twitter ! Let us follow you back and talk about what’s happening in recruiting.

photo credit: ePublicist via photopin cc

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