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How to use Pinterest – The Latest Social Media Hit

In Hiring Software & Tools — by Trakstar

Pinterest is the latest rage that has swept across social media users worldwide. It already has over 10 million registered users with over 12 million unique monthly visits.

Basically, Pinterest is a virtual pinboard in which you can ‘pin’ images and videos that you like. Anand Patel, the VP of Social Media at Creative Intellects shares insights on everything you need to know about Pinterest in his article, “ Pinterest: The New Big Deal ”. This article is really helpful if you are new to the concept of Pinterest.

Here is one more must-read article, “ 5 Pinterest Myths Dispelled ” by AK Stout, the Owner and Social Media Strategist at Saying it Social, LLC.

Both these articles are extremely helpful for small businesses and start-ups looking to enhance their social media presence on Pinterest.

Trakstar Hire is considered the most user friendly hiring software on the market. If you’re ready to take your recruiting and hiring to the next level, request a Trakstar Hire demo today.