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Trakstar Hire Blog

From “Yes” to Desk: How to Preboard a New Hire

Bringing on board a new employee is mostly a fast moving process. The hiring team quickly narrows in on the ideal candidate and makes them an offer before another company snatches them away. And once the new hire starts, their first few weeks are a whirlwind of meeting new people, completing paperwork and learning the…
15 September 2016

3 Offline Tactics to Recruit Top Talent

Finding top talent is tough. First you have to think about structuring job descriptions and then it’s onto distributing your advert online. And that doesn’t account for the time it takes to find the right job boards to post the position on. According to the most recent data from DHI Hiring Indicators, an average of…
12 September 2016

How to Hire for Hyper Growth

Companies in the midst of hyper growth have some serious priorities to manage. They have to ramp up fast to meet ambitious business goals, please investors and sustain the incredible momentum. But every other priority pales in comparison to hiring. When a company enters the hyper-growth stage, they often need to add what seems like…
08 September 2016

3 Reasons Aggressive Recruiting is Overkill

We all know how competitive the hiring landscape is these days. The economy is healthy and companies are rapidly hiring talented people with specialized skills. Often times it seems like there aren’t enough qualified candidates to meet the demand. The prevailing wisdom among recruiters and hiring managers is companies need to be aggressive in their…
01 September 2016

5 Old-School Recruiting & Hiring Tactics That Need to Be Retired

Recruiting and hiring isn’t the same as it was only a few years ago. Companies are now fiercely competing with each other to attract talented candidates. The ones that are winning are using technology to hire smarter and faster. While there is no perfect way to recruit and hire, there are some approaches that no…
25 August 2016

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Hiring an Ex-Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are unique. They’re a rare breed who reject the stability and comfort of a conventional career to pursue their own passion and ideas. However, many of them don’t stay independent forever. Success, failure or other life milestones can motivate an ex-entrepreneur to dust off their resume and start applying for jobs. If you’re a…
18 August 2016

Breaking the Glass Ceiling: What Will it Take for Your Company?

The gender pay gap is one of the most talked about examples of inequality in American society today. Hillary Clinton has made the issue a focal point of her presidential campaign, calling for an increase to the minimum wage and federal legislation that protects workers from employment discrimination. During the recent Republican National Convention, Ivanka…
11 August 2016

Companies Can and Should Take on Employee Stress

We’ve all heard the scary facts about stress. It can take a toll on our day-to-day lives and trigger long-term health problems with serious consequences. The vast majority of us experience some stress on a regular basis. We can make an effort to minimize it but most career-focused individuals see stress as an unavoidable part…
04 August 2016

Dress Codes: Do They Matter? [Infographic]

Corporate dress codes can enhance the public image of a business, as well as improve employee attitudes and sense of buy-in with their employer. They can also negatively impact morale and get businesses in trouble with labor laws. That’s why organizations need to be smart about whether to establish a dress code and what to…
03 August 2016

A Tale of Two Hiring Processes: How to Streamline Your Hiring

On the surface, recruiting and hiring for an open job doesn’t seem so difficult. You write a description, post it to job boards, and wait for the applicants to roll in. Then you schedule interviews with the top candidates and hire the most impressive one. But anyone with a background in recruiting or HR will…
28 July 2016