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5 Hidden Mistakes That Cause Mobile Recruiting Failures

In Hiring Software & Tools — by Alexa Lemzy


Mobile recruiting is big. That’s because mobile is big. People use their mobile devices to shop, chat and even search for jobs. In fact, 54 percent of candidates ages 44-54 use their mobile device to look for jobs and 78 percent of candidates say they would apply for a job on their smartphone.

Recruiting candidates via mobile is a smart and effective way to bring in talent. It helps businesses find the right people to fill positions by casting a wider net than traditional job applications. And it allows candidates to apply for jobs quickly and on a platform that’s easy to use.

That being said, many companies fail to use mobile recruiting to its full potential. Some even flat-out get it wrong, resulting in wasted resources and missed opportunities to bring in the right candidate. Here are some mobile recruiting fails to avoid:

Failing to optimize your website for mobile

This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised how many businesses do outreach to candidates via mobile and overlook one important detail: mobile optimization. Using mobile for recruiting is  part of modern HR practices, so be careful not to appear out of date by failing to make your career website mobile friendly.

It weakens the candidate’s trust in your company and makes it much more unlikely that your recruiting efforts will be successful. Here’s what a mobile friendly website look like:

    • Fast loading – No heavy images.
    • Intuitive menus for touch-screens – Make sure applicants can easily navigate on a mobile screen.
  • Simplified version for mobile applicants – Offer a shortened version of your desktop layout for mobile applicants with drop-down menus and auto-fill options.

Failing to test your mobile application process

Again, there are too many businesses that invest in a mobile recruiting process and then fail to do the ultimate step: testing it out themselves. There’s no better way to see if the process works smoothly or not than giving it a test drive to find the kinks and fix them ASAP.

Failing to use mobile for referrals

This is a simple numbers game. When you consider that 68 percent of Americans own a smartphone and that 45.3 percent of millennials say their smartphone is with them 24/7 (and a staggering 93.2 percent keep it on them 10 hours a day), a mobile referral program makes a lot of sense.

It gives people the ability to quickly and easily refer a friend or acquaintance to your company when the subject comes up. If your only online referral method is on desktop/laptop, you’re missing the benefit of real-time conversations where a referral could be made.

Failing to understand your candidates

Gen Y and Gen Z candidates are typically “passive” in the sense that they aren’t aggressively looking for jobs and sending out resumes. Instead, they expect the recruiter to have done their homework on them by checking out their LinkedIn and social media pages.

These generations are often the primary targets of many mobile recruiters and the ones most likely to use a mobile application process. When you reach out to them, make sure you’ve studied up first, especially if they’re a prime candidate who isn’t currently looking for a job.

Failing to use text wisely

Texting is a popular platform for mobile recruiters, and it can be very effective, especially with millennials. But there are still certain etiquettes to texting that should be respected, such as:

  • Make sure the candidate opted in. It’s illegal to text someone without their permission. In order to get potential candidates in your database, you can publicize your SMS program on college campuses, employment offices and other places relevant to your business.
  • Time your texts. Unlike email, text messages grab people’s attention the moment they’re sent. It’s okay to send an email early in the morning so it’s waiting in your candidate’s inbox. The same is not true of SMS. The best rule of thumb is to text during regular business hours (8am-6pm) and make sure to take time zone differences into consideration.
  • Target your texts. Make sure you’re targeting your recruitment texts to candidates who may actually be qualified and/or interested in the position. Doing otherwise may result in opt-outs.
  • Consider the demographic. Text messaging as a recruiting resource isn’t for everyone. Older candidates tend to frown on texting and consider it an unprofessional way to contact them for job opportunities. Only 30% of candidates in the age range of 45-54 consider texting for recruiting to be professional as compared to 47% of 18-24 year olds.

Mobile recruiting is just beginning to gain steam and with the growing popularity of mobile, it will definitely be the future of recruiting. By developing best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you optimize your chances of acquiring the best talent available for your company.

About the author:

Alexa Lemzy is the customer support expert and content manager at TextMagic and freelancer at Assignyourwriter. She is passionate about mobile technologies, employee communication, and business growth.

Trakstar Hire is considered the most user friendly hiring software on the market. If you’re ready to take your recruiting and hiring to the next level, request a Trakstar Hire demo today.